Mathematical description

The forward model is assumed to be:

\[y = X \beta + \sigma \epsilon \qquad \textrm{subject to} \qquad C\beta=0\]

Here, y and X are given outcome and predictor data. The vector y can be continuous (for regression) or binary (for classification). C is a general constraint matrix. The vector \(\beta\) comprises the unknown coefficients and \(\sigma\) an unknown scale.

The package handles several different estimators for inferring \(\beta\) and \(\sigma\)), including the constrained Lasso, the constrained scaled Lasso, and sparse Huber M-estimation with linear equality constraints. Several different algorithmic strategies, including path and proximal splitting algorithms, are implemented to solve the underlying convex optimization problems.

We also include two model selection strategies for determining the sparsity of the model parameters: k-fold cross-validation and stability selection.

This package is intended to fill the gap between popular python tools such as scikit-learn which CANNOT solve sparse constrained problems and general-purpose optimization solvers that do not scale well for the considered problems.

Below we show several use cases of the package, including an application of sparse log-contrast regression tasks for compositional microbiome data.

The code builds on results from several papers which can be found in the [References](#references). We also refer to the accompanying JOSS paper submission, also available on arXiv.

Regression and classification problems

The c-lasso package can solve six different types of estimation problems: four regression-type and two classification-type formulations.

[R1] Standard constrained Lasso regression

\[\min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^d} \left\lVert X\beta - y \right\rVert^2 + \lambda \left\lVert \beta\right\rVert_1 \qquad \textrm{subject to} \qquad C\beta = 0\]

This is the standard Lasso problem with linear equality constraints on the \(\beta\) vector. The objective function combines Least-Squares for model fitting with l1 penalty for sparsity.

[R2] Constrained sparse Huber regression

\[\min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^d} h_{\rho} (X\beta - y) + \lambda \left\lVert \beta\right\rVert_1 \qquad \textrm{subject to} \qquad C\beta = 0\]

This regression problem uses the Huber loss as objective function for robust model fitting with l1 and linear equality constraints on the \(\beta\) vector. The parameter \(\rho=1.345\).

[R3] Constrained scaled Lasso regression

\[\min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^d, \sigma \in \mathbb{R}_{0}} \frac{\left\lVert X\beta - y \right\rVert^2}{\sigma} + \frac{n}{2} \sigma + \lambda \left\lVert \beta\right\rVert_1 \qquad \textrm{subject to} \qquad C\beta = 0\]

This formulation is similar to [R1] but allows for joint estimation of the (constrained) \(\beta\) vector and the standard deviation \(\sigma\) in a concomitant fashion 4, 5 . This is the default problem formulation in c-lasso.

[R4] Constrained sparse Huber regression with concomitant scale estimation

\[\min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^d, \sigma \in \mathbb{R}_{0}} \left( h_{\rho} \left( \frac{X\beta - y}{\sigma} \right) + n \right) \sigma + \lambda \left\lVert \beta\right\rVert_1 \qquad \textrm{subject to} \qquad C\beta = 0\]

This formulation combines [R2] and [R3] to allow robust joint estimation of the (constrained) \(\beta\) vector and the scale \(\sigma\) in a concomitant fashion 4 , 5 .

[C1] Constrained sparse classification with Square Hinge loss

\[\min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^d} \sum_{i=1}^n l(y_i x_i^\top\beta) + \lambda \left\lVert \beta\right\rVert_1 \qquad \textrm{subject to} \qquad C\beta = 0\]

where the \(x_i\) are the rows of X and l is defined as:

\[\begin{split}l(r) = \begin{cases} (1-r)^2 & if \quad r \leq 1 \\ 0 &if \quad r \geq 1 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

This formulation is similar to [R1] but adapted for classification tasks using the Square Hinge loss with (constrained) sparse \(\beta\) vector estimation.

[C2] Constrained sparse classification with Huberized Square Hinge loss

\[\min_{\beta \in \mathbb{R}^d} \sum_{i=1}^n l_{\rho}(y_i x_i^\top\beta) + \lambda \left\lVert \beta\right\rVert_1 \qquad \textrm{subject to} \qquad C\beta = 0 \,.\]

where the \(x_i\) are the rows of X and \(l_{\rho}\) is defined as:

\[\begin{split}l_{\rho}(r) = \begin{cases} (1-r)^2 &if \quad \rho \leq r \leq 1 \\ (1-\rho)(1+\rho-2r) & if \quad r \leq \rho \\ 0 &if \quad r \geq 1 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

This formulation is similar to [C1] but uses the Huberized Square Hinge loss for robust classification with (constrained) sparse \(\beta\) vector estimation 7.

Optimization schemes

The available problem formulations [R1-C2] require different algorithmic strategies for efficiently solving the underlying optimization problem. We have implemented four algorithms (with provable convergence guarantees) that vary in generality and are not necessarily applicable to all problems. For each problem type, c-lasso has a default algorithm setting that proved to be the fastest in our numerical experiments.

Path algorithms (Path-Alg)

This is the default algorithm for non-concomitant problems [R1,R3,C1,C2]. The algorithm uses the fact that the solution path along \(\lambda\) is piecewise- affine 1. When Least-Squares is used as objective function, we derive a novel efficient procedure that allows us to also derive the solution for the concomitant problem [R2] along the path with little extra computational overhead.

Projected primal-dual splitting method (P-PDS)

This algorithm is derived from 2 and belongs to the class of proximal splitting algorithms. It extends the classical Forward-Backward (FB) (aka proximal gradient descent) algorithm to handle an additional linear equality constraint via projection. In the absence of a linear constraint, the method reduces to FB. This method can solve problem [R1]. For the Huber problem [R3], P-PDS can solve the mean-shift formulation of the problem 6.

Projection-free primal-dual splitting method (PF-PDS)

This algorithm is a special case of an algorithm proposed in 3 (Eq.4.5) and also belongs to the class of proximal splitting algorithms. The algorithm does not require projection operators which may be beneficial when C has a more complex structure. In the absence of a linear constraint, the method reduces to the Forward-Backward-Forward scheme. This method can solve problem [R1]. For the Huber problem [R3], PF-PDS can solve the mean-shift formulation of the problem 6.

Douglas-Rachford-type splitting method (DR)

This algorithm is the most general algorithm and can solve all regression problems [R1-R4]. It is based on Doulgas Rachford splitting in a higher-dimensional product space. It makes use of the proximity operators of the perspective of the LS objective (see 4 and 5) The Huber problem with concomitant scale [R4] is reformulated as scaled Lasso problem with the mean shift 6 and thus solved in (n + d) dimensions.


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