pH prediction using the Central Park soil dataset

The next microbiome example considers the [Central Park Soil dataset](./examples/CentralParkSoil) from [Ramirez et al.]( The sample locations are shown in the Figure on the right.)

The task is to predict pH concentration in the soil from microbial abundance data.

This task is also done in Tree-Aggregated Predictive Modeling of Microbiome Data.

Import the package

import sys, os
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath

classo_dir = dirname(dirname(abspath("__file__")))

from classo import classo_problem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Load data

data_dir = join(classo_dir, "examples/CentralParkSoil")
data = np.load(join(data_dir, "cps.npz"))

x = data["x"]
label = data["label"]
y = data["y"]

A = np.load(join(data_dir, "A.npy"))

Preprocess: taxonomy aggregation

label_short = np.array([l.split("::")[-1] for l in label])

pseudo_count = 1
X = np.log(pseudo_count + x)
nleaves = np.sum(A, axis=0)
logGeom = / nleaves

n, d = logGeom.shape

tr = np.random.permutation(n)[: int(0.8 * n)]

Cross validation and Path Computation

problem = classo_problem(logGeom[tr], y[tr], label=label_short)

problem.formulation.w = 1 / nleaves
problem.formulation.intercept = True
problem.formulation.concomitant = False

problem.model_selection.StabSel = False
problem.model_selection.PATH = True
problem.model_selection.CV = True
problem.model_selection.CVparameters.seed = (
    6  # one could change logscale, Nsubset, oneSE


selection = problem.solution.CV.selected_param[1:]  # exclude the intercept

Prediction plot

te = np.array([i for i in range(len(y)) if not i in tr])
alpha = problem.solution.CV.refit
yhat = logGeom[te].dot(alpha[1:]) + alpha[0]

M1, M2 = max(y[te]), min(y[te])
plt.plot(yhat, y[te], "bo", label="sample of the testing set")
plt.plot([M1, M2], [M1, M2], "k-", label="identity")
plt.xlabel("predictor yhat"), plt.ylabel("real y"), plt.legend()

Stability selection

problem = classo_problem(logGeom[tr], y[tr], label=label_short)

problem.formulation.w = 1 / nleaves
problem.formulation.intercept = True
problem.formulation.concomitant = False

problem.model_selection.PATH = False
problem.model_selection.CV = False
# can change q, B, nS, method, threshold etc in problem.model_selection.StabSelparameters


print(problem, problem.solution)

selection = problem.solution.StabSel.selected_param[1:]  # exclude the intercept

Prediction plot

te = np.array([i for i in range(len(y)) if not i in tr])
alpha = problem.solution.StabSel.refit
yhat = logGeom[te].dot(alpha[1:]) + alpha[0]

M1, M2 = max(y[te]), min(y[te])
plt.plot(yhat, y[te], "bo", label="sample of the testing set")
plt.plot([M1, M2], [M1, M2], "k-", label="identity")
plt.xlabel("predictor yhat"), plt.ylabel("real y"), plt.legend()

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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