Ocean salinity prediction based on marin microbiome data

We repoduce an example of prediction of ocean salinity over ocean microbiome data that has been introduced in this article, where the R package trac (which uses c-lasso) has been used.

The data come originally from trac, then it is preprocessed in python in this notebook.

Bien, J., Yan, X., Simpson, L. and Müller, C. (2020). Tree-Aggregated Predictive Modeling of Microbiome Data :

“Integrative marine data collection efforts such as Tara Oceans (Sunagawa et al., 2020) or the Simons CMAP (https://simonscmap.com) provide the means to investigate ocean ecosystems on a global scale. Using Tara’s environmental and microbial survey of ocean surface water (Sunagawa, 2015), we next illustrate how trac can be used to globally connect environmental covariates and the ocean microbiome. As an example, we learn a global predictive model of ocean salinity from n = 136 samples and p = 8916 miTAG OTUs (Logares et al., 2014). trac identifies four taxonomic aggregations, the kingdom bacteria and the phylum Bacteroidetes being negatively associated and the classes Alpha and Gammaproteobacteria being positively associated with marine salinity.

import sys, os
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath

classo_dir = dirname(dirname(abspath("__file__")))
from classo import classo_problem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Load data

data_dir = join(classo_dir, "examples/Tara")

data = np.load(join(data_dir, "tara.npz"))

x = data["x"]
label = data["label"]
y = data["y"]
tr = data["tr"]

A = np.load(join(data_dir, "A.npy"))

Preprocess: taxonomy aggregation

label_short = np.array([l.split("::")[-1] for l in label])

pseudo_count = 1
X = np.log(pseudo_count + x)
nleaves = np.sum(A, axis=0)
logGeom = X.dot(A) / nleaves

Cross validation and Path Computation

problem = classo_problem(logGeom[tr], y[tr], label=label_short)

problem.formulation.w = 1 / nleaves
problem.formulation.intercept = True
problem.formulation.concomitant = False

problem.model_selection.StabSel = False
problem.model_selection.PATH = True
problem.model_selection.CV = True
problem.model_selection.CVparameters.seed = (
    6  # one could change logscale, Nsubset, oneSE


selection = problem.solution.CV.selected_param[1:]  # exclude the intercept

Prediction plot

te = np.array([i for i in range(len(y)) if not i in tr])
alpha = problem.solution.CV.refit
yhat = logGeom[te].dot(alpha[1:]) + alpha[0]

M1, M2 = max(y[te]), min(y[te])
plt.plot(yhat, y[te], "bo", label="sample of the testing set")
plt.plot([M1, M2], [M1, M2], "k-", label="identity")
plt.xlabel("predictor yhat"), plt.ylabel("real y"), plt.legend()

Stability selection

problem = classo_problem(logGeom[tr], y[tr], label=label_short)

problem.formulation.w = 1 / nleaves
problem.formulation.intercept = True
problem.formulation.concomitant = False

problem.model_selection.PATH = False
problem.model_selection.CV = False
# can change q, B, nS, method, threshold etc in problem.model_selection.StabSelparameters


print(problem, problem.solution)

selection = problem.solution.StabSel.selected_param[1:]  # exclude the intercept

Prediction plot

te = np.array([i for i in range(len(y)) if not i in tr])
alpha = problem.solution.StabSel.refit
yhat = logGeom[te].dot(alpha[1:]) + alpha[0]

M1, M2 = max(y[te]), min(y[te])
plt.plot(yhat, y[te], "bo", label="sample of the testing set")
plt.plot([M1, M2], [M1, M2], "k-", label="identity")
plt.xlabel("predictor yhat"), plt.ylabel("real y"), plt.legend()

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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